
ICT | "Lithuanian Phone Call Conversation Quality Assessment Solution"

Project promoter UAB OXUS.AI
Project name "Lithuanian Phone Conversation Quality Assessment Solution"
Project code LT07-1-EIM-02-019
Funding 199 967,33 Eur
Project partners International Development Norway AS (NO) 

There are about 400 companies in Lithuania with about 4,000 employees that work in telephone customer service area. These include banks and other financial institutions, as well as insurance agencies, telecommunications and telemarketing companies, utilities, government agencies and many other areas. What unites all these companies is that the quality of the calls themselves is assessed very rarely, and only a small part of the calls are reviewed. On average, evaluation takes place 2-4 weeks, and only 1% of all conversations is evaluated! This means that employees do not receive feedback in a timely manner, making it harder for them to understand the mistakes they are making and to improve. Such a rare assessment is not only inaccurate, but also requires a lot of internal resources, as selected interviews are analyzed manually by physically listening through them.

Project aims

Improvement and testing of the existing layout in order to create a smart system for evaluating the quality of the telephone conversations content in Lithuanian;
The developed product will be used in call centers (and other companies where services are provided by telephone). The product will automate the evaluation process by analyzing 100% of all telephone conversations, ensuring compliance with standards;
At the same time, the product will help provide employees with feedback and insights on how to improve call quality in near real time.

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