
ICT | "AI based price regulation of Frogelo reservation system for tour operators"

Project promoter UAB ELVO
Project name "Intuitive AI-based smart home management system"
Project code LT07-1-EIM-02-030
Funding 200 000,00 Eu

Project partners International Development Norway AS (NO) 

With the rapid development of innovative technologies, the implementation of smart home systems is gaining popularity. However, most smart home systems that are currently in the market are not tied to the residents but certain businesses. Through this project, ELVO aims to create a unique product that extends the functionality of a smart home to include its "learning opportunities" so that the smart home can respond and change according to individual, family, organizational and environmental requirements.

Project aims
 To create an intuitive smart home management system based on artificial intelligence, which will be able to learn independently and allow the smart home to respond to changing environmental factors, environmental requirements and adapt to the needs of the population;
› To provide this service to people using the functions of a smart home, as the system created during the project will allow the user to migrate from one house to another according to their algorithm. When you go to the homestead, you will be able to enjoy the same comfort parameters as at home. These include temperature, humidity, sleep, and lighting.

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