Working together for green, competetive and inclusive Europe

Calls for proposals


Call for travel support of 2014–2021 Norwegian Financial Mechanism programme “Business Development, Innovation and SMEs “

1. General informatiom
1.1. Name of the Call Call announcement for proposals for travel support of 2014–2021 Norwegian Financial Mechanism programme “Business Development, Innovation and SMEs “
1.2. Call number LT01-7S-MITA-K03
1.3. Objective of the Call To strengthen bilateral relations between Norway and Lithuania and foster formation of bilateral partnerships
1.4. Legal framework  1.4.1. 2014-2021 Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme “Business Development, Innovation and SMEs” Call for Proposals for Travel Support (hereafter - the Call);
1.4.2. Regulation on Implementation of the 2014–2021 Norwegian Financial Mechanism, adopted by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs pursuant to Article 10.5 of the Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the European Union on Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period 2014-2021 on 23 September 2016;
1.4.3.  Rules on Administration and Implementation of the Bilateral Fund of the 2014-2021 European Economic Area and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms, approved by the Order No. 1K-389 “Order on Implementation of 2014-2021 European Economic Area and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms in Lithuania” of Minister of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania of 12 November 2018;
1.4.4. Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid, with the last amendment – Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/972 of 2 July 2020.
2. Requirements for applicants
2.1. Eligible applicans 2.1.1. A legal person registered in Lithuania or Norway. In case of an individual visit,  an applicant shall meet requirements set for an eligible applicant or partner in an open call under the programme „Business development, innovation and SMEs“ (hereinafter – the Programme) under which an application for implementation of a bilateral project is planned to be submitted.
3. Requirement for projects
3.1. Eligible activities 3.1.1. Participation in an individual visit from Lithuania to Norway or the other way round, related to partner search for implementation of a bilateral project under the Programme;
3.1.2. participation in events organized by the Programme operator.
3.2. Duration of project activities Non applicable.
3.3. Other requirements Non applicable.
4. Eligible expenditure and requirements for funding
4.1. Eligible expenditure  4.1.1. Travel costs amounting to a lump sum 779 Euro for one application (for one applicant).
4.2. Eligible indirect costs Indirect costs are not eligble costs.
4.3. Maximum amount of grant assistance 779 Euro
4.4. Form of funding Non-repayable grant
4.4. The total available funding amount under the Call The total available amount of funding for projects under the Call ­– up to € 10 000.
5. Submission of applications and selection of projects
5.1. Deadline for submission of applications August 1, 2022. 12:00
5.2. Submission of applications An application with other compulsory documents shall be submitted via e-mail
5.3. Mandatory documents to be submitted with an application 5.3.1. Declaration of a Single Undertaking (applicable to Lithuanian entities);
5.3.2. a document empowering to sign an application (submitted if an application is not signed by the head of legal person who submits an application);
5.3.3. an order or any other equivalent document on delegation of an employee to participate in an individual visit / an event organized by the Programme operator (in case an applicant is a small partnership – a member or an employee of small partnership)
5.4. Assessment of applications 5.4.1. Applications will be assessed on continuous basis. 
6. Other information
6.1. Contacts for enquiries Norway Grants group,
Phone: (+370) 604 78935, (+370) 604 77086.
7.  Relevant  
  Link to Norwegian partners’ database
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